Bucks Dental Health and Esthetics in Lansdale, Pennsylvania, offers patients the most advanced dental treatments while following a conservative and compassionate approach to dental care. We are dedicated to building long-term relationships with patients to help them achieve life-long oral health and well-being.
At Bucks Dental Health and Esthetics, our prosthodontist and dental implants doctor Hai Qing, DMD, with his extensive experience, offers quality dentistry to patients using state-of-the-art dental technology. We provide affordable, preventive dental care besides additional discounts to senior citizens, veterans, students, and patients without dental insurance.
Services offered at Bucks Dental Health and Esthetics
Though we primarily focus on preserving each patient's natural teeth, we also provide restorative dental services to help patients restore their oral health. Bucks Dental Health and Esthetics also offers prosthodontic care, cosmetic dentistry, and geriatric dentistry. Our comprehensive range of dental services includes preventive dental care, dental implants, full mouth restoration, dental fillings, crowns, bridges, veneers, same-day dentures, All-on-4® dentures, on-site denture repair services, teeth whitening, and Invisalign® aligners. We also offer same-day emergency dentistry to meet our patients' immediate dental care needs that can't wait.
Comfortable Dental Care at Bucks Dental Health and Esthetics
At Bucks Dental Health and Esthetics, we prioritize our patients' comfort over everything else. We work to ensure that even patients with dental phobia feel at ease and comfortable when they are with us.
Book Chapters
Hsiao, Chinhua; Qing, Hai; "Drug-Induced Disorders and Dental Implant Treatment",Dental Implant Treatment in Medically Compromised Patients,149-183,in Dental Implant Treatment in Medically Compromised Patients,2020, Springer
Dr Qing’s Peer reviewed journals and conference presentations
Xie, W, Yang, S, Qing, H, Wang, J; "Effect of Ferrule Thickness on Fracture Resistance of Endodontically Treated Incisors Restored with Fiber Post and Metal Crown". Int J Prosthodont. 2020 ;33(3):321-327
Shao, J, Zhang, Y, Qing, Hai, Li, Lei; An alternative approach to transalveolar sinus elevation for the placement of multiple implants The Journal of prosthetic dentistry.124(4):416-422, 2020
Liu, W; Zhang, X; Qing, H; Wang, J; Effect of LOCATOR attachments with different retentive forces on the stability of 2-implant-retained mandibular overdenture. The Journal of prosthetic dentistry, 124(2):224- 229, 2020
Shao J, Zhang Y, Qing H, Li L. An alternative approach to transalveolar sinus elevation for the placement of multiple implants. J Prosthet Dent. 2019 Dec 3
Shao J, Qing H, Zhu Z, Li L. CAD-CAM-fabricated interim fixed complete-arch implant-supported restorations based on the existing dentition. J Prosthet Dent. 2019;121(5):717-723.
Liu W, Qing H, Pei X, Wang J. Internal adaptation of cobalt-chromium posts fabricated by selective laser melting technology. J Prosthet Dent. 2019;121(3):455-460.
Zhang X, Liu W, Qing H, Pei X, Chen J, Wang J. Effect of implant number on the movement of mandibular implant-supported overdentures under biting force: An in-vitro study. Quintessence Int. 2018;49(9):709- 717.
Qin H, Qing H, Hu N, Zhu H, Wang J . An All-Zirconia Crown Discovered 2 Years Following Aspiration. J Prosthodont. 2017 Nov 16
Qing H. Prosthodontic specialty training in the United States: what can we learn. Zhonghua Kou Qiang Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2017 Dec 9;52(12):718-722.
Cai H, Yang S, Pei X, Qing H, Wang J. Practice-based preclinical instruction for gingival displacement with animal models. J Prosthet Dent. 2016
Qing H, Ardenshirpour L, Pajevic PD, Dusevich V, Jahn K, Kato S, Wysolmerski J, Bonewald LF. Demonstration of osteocytic perilacunar/canalicular remodeling in mice during lactation. J Bone Miner Res. 2012 May;27(5):1018-29. (selected by F1000)
Hou Y, Wu G, Qing H, Zhu Z Effect of a differently tilted angle of mandibular premolar on fracture resistance of 3 postcore restorations. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2011 Oct;112(4):518-23.
Qing H, Chen W, He Y, Wang J, Zhu Z, Wang H. Gene expression patterns of osteocyte-like MLO-Y4 cells in response to cyclic compressive force stimulation. Cell Biol Int. 2010 19;34(5):425-32 Kitase Y, Barragan L, Qing H, Kondoh S, Jiang JX, Johnson ML, Bonewald LF.J Bone Miner Res. 2010 Dec;25(12):2657-68. doi: 10.1002/jbmr.168. Epub 2010 Jun 24. Mechanical induction of PGE2 in osteocytes blocks glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis through both the β-catenin and PKA pathways.
Qing H, Zhu ZM, Chao YL, Zhang WQ. In vitro evaluation of the fracture resistance of anterior endodontically treated teeth restored with glass fiber and zircon posts. Journal of prosthetic dentistry, 2007;97(2): 93-98
Qing H, Bonewald LF. Osteocyte remodeling of the perilacunar and pericanalicular matrix. International journal of Oral Science, 2009;1(2):59-65
Hai Qing, Sunyao Liao, Youping Li, Jingqiu Cheng. "Advances and prospective application of stem cell technique in stomatology",Journal of biomedical engineering , 2002;19(4):684-687
Qing H, Mohammed B, Weitz D, Spevack L. Literature review of dental implant surgical guides and case series presentation. 85th American Prosthodontic Society annual meeting 2013 Chicago poster.
Qing H, Mohammed B, Weitz D, Spevack L. Literature review of dental implant surgical guides and case series presentation. 85th American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics annual meeting 2013 Chicago poster.
Qing H. Implant-retained pharyngeal obturator prosthesis to rehabilitate a patient with congenital palatopharyngeal insufficiency. American College of Prosthodontists 2012 Annual meeting at Baltimore poster.
Qing H, Soltys J, Ercoli C. Aesthetic restoration of diastema and discoloration using lithium disilicate ¾ veneer. 84th American Prosthodontic Society annual meeting 2012 Chicago poster.
Qing H, Dusevich V, Bonewald LF. Lack of Osteocytes Perilacunar Remodeling with Unloading. 11th International Bone Fluid Flow Workshop, 2010, Toronto, CA. (30min Oral presentation, Young investigator award)
Qing H, Divieti P, Barry, K, Dusevich V, Wysolmerski JJ, Bonewald LF. PTHR1 in Osteocytes Plays a Major role in Perilacunar Remodeling through the Activation of “Osteoclastic” Genes in Osteocytes. American Association of Bone and Mineral Rearch 32nd annual meeting 2010, Toronto, CA. (Oral presentation, Young investigator travel grant)
Qing H, Ardeshirpour L, Dusevich V, Dallas M, Wysolmerski JJ, Bonewald LF. Osteocyte perilacunar remodeling is regulated hormonally, but not by mechanical unloading. American Association of Bone and Mineral Rearch 31st annual meeting 2009, Denver, CO. poster
Qing H, Ardeshirpour L, Dusevich V, Dallas M, Wysolmerski JJ, Bonewald LF. Osteocytic Perilacunar Remodeling as a Significant Source of Calcium During Lactation. American Association of Bone and Mineral Rearch 30th annual meeting 2008, Montreal, Canada, 23:S401. Poster
PhD Dissertation (2009):
Osteocyte Remodeling of Perilacunar and Pericanalicular Matrix
Master Thesis of Prosthodontics (2005):
An In Vitro Study of the Fracture Resistances of Endodontically Treated Teeth Restored with Glass Fiber-Zircon Reinforced Composite Post and Composite Core
Bucks Dental Health and Esthetics believes in practicing dentistry that meets the highest ethical, caring, and technical standards. To learn more about the services we offer, call our office at (215) 220-3395 or schedule an appointment online.